Marc Bird

Well, yeah but there have been so many bad movies this year, I can not remember the last time when a year provided so many for the my top 15' worst ever'.

Ouch! Another reminder why I love and hate this website. I would gladly see this film every time I went to theater instead of the garbage that has been released lately. CAMON. After Earth. Movie 43. Hangover 3. The Lone Ranger. White House Down. The Internship. Scary Movie 5.

Lastly, Walt's epic screw ups through the seasons so far

Lastly, Walt's epic screw ups through the seasons so far

I thought Don had found his peace at the  end of 'The Suitcase'…I was wrong as Weiner decided to torture him some more in season 6. Here is hoping for happy Don in season 7 and no more flash backs please…

The first half of the fifth season is my 2nd favorite season cause it is fun from beginning to end. 4th and 3rd season were slow at times but yeah that 5th season was like a roller coaster.

Also, it is fascinating to see why Walt makes meth through the show.

Also, it is fascinating to see why Walt makes meth through the show.

Best seasons from best to least best

Best seasons from best to least best

Breaking Bad….49 days away…

Well no you are not a moron if you can see that walt was a ass from the beginning. I mean in the first episode of the second season he tries to rape his wife, and he treats Jesse like shit so much. I hope he gets whats coming to him in the final season….and yet Gilligan says the end will be a victory for Walt,

Breaking Bad is one of the greatest shows ever but I don't think I ever saw 'The Wire' toys at Burger King or 'The Sopranos' socks. Point is, people do not take this show as seriously as other dramas cause it is so popular now. The memes, and jokes and quotes references, well one thing for sure it is the most

Don finally was happy and stopped drinking for  a while and whoring after 'The Suitcase' and then relapsed into his ways so please Matt Weiner I know this is a drama but let this man have his peace!

That is what people said after 'Far Away Places'. The 7th episode of Mad Men is always weird

My ranking of he seasons from best to least best: 4,5, 2,1, 3, 6

'The Suitcase' was the perfect series finale if anything, everything after was nice but felt unnecessary.

And thus ends Mad Men's weakest season. It was a gloomy season but the finale offered some sunshine at the end.

And thus ends Mad Men's least best season-a rehash of season 3-I am sure the season finale will end ambiguously in some way and the AV Club will explode!