Marc Bird

Geez, Boyd has a lot on his plate, its absurd. Dewie, Cousin John, the Sherrif, the old guy all want him dead. Ava's in prison, heroin business is not doing well, and oh yeah this girl is playing mind tricks on him.

This was a solid episode but boy does this show need a Archer-like reboot. Perhaps have someone fire everyone and see where they go from there.

Reed has big balls. The show needed this and boy did he deliver. If only the creators of Parks and Rec would do a re-boot of sorts, cause that show needs one desperately.

Ridley Scott-making crap since 1982

Gilligan confirmed that it was not a dream in an interview/profile with Hollywood Reporter, but dont stop believing it if you want…

I saw this at a advanced screening tonight, it is great, I'd give it a A-.

Season 5 leaps of logic

Hmm, the fact that threatened to kill Skyler must have something to do with it…

Yes, he was the one Gomie confronted in 'face off' about wanting to search the lab

Nice pun there.

It's actually a pink teddy bear.

Oh, hush.

List in order of what character's day I would have to loved to see if I had the option

So, of course, all 5113 of you forgot the Vulture interview with Vince Gilligan where he stated the finale would be 'polarizing' http://www.vulture.com/2013…

The Shield ending felt like 'epilogue' too, after 'Possible Kill Screen'. Here Ozymandias was the climax, that is why it  feels like a 'calm aftermath'  which was described in my ATT U Verse synopsis.

Donna, this comment will get lost in the mass, but first off 'Mandala' deserves better then a 'B'…that said this final review was great and thanks for many great reads that I will come back to after the re-watches. Your analysis was top notch, you are wonderful.

Damn. This is the it. My only solace is knowing Gilligan will have a new show next year with CBS and Better Call Saul.


Brutal ending. And why are you using a pic from episode 2 of Season 5?

next guess should be Stephen Bowie, would like to have to hear Gilligan's side of things, or anyone on the show