
Again, not to get heavy, but I'm a dude, and it resonated with me. But my wife and I lost a (very wanted) pregnancy recently, so it was a major reality check for us.

You talk about Sunny and Curb using classic songs ironically to offset their crude, offbeat humor? You do realize that 15 years prior to either show that's exactly what Married With Children did, right? Way to stiff the innovator


I'm a fan of atolls, personally. But that's my idea, you can't have it!

Also the beginning of 28 days later, waking up in a hospital room to find a post zombie apocalypse. Just interchange small town USA for London, and make the zombies a little slower, and go!

I still don't know who this woman is
Is she relevant? Talented?

For all you wankers whining about wanting every mystery explained, I'm going to say what I've said all along:

Speaking of St Louis, given the history of this venue, it's lucky the reaction was as tame as it was.

Phantom flopped because the guy playing the Phantom couldn't sing his way out of a paper bag. They got him for his looks only, which, of course, is horribly misguided, since, you know, he spends the book/play/movie HIDDEN BEHIND A FUCKING MASK.

Flying Spaghetti Monster!

To paraphrase Francois Truffaut, there is no such thing as an anti-war movie, because war is inherently exciting when portrayed on screen, no matter how grim, pessimistic, or gory that presentation is.

How about a washed up Heather Thomas?

Maybe he's in the same boat as John Malcovich, got taken by Bernie Madoff and now is forced to take any job he can?

The last Austin Powers movie
The opening montage (the Charlie's Angels-eque movie setpiece) caught me completely off guard, had me laughing hysterically. Then the rest of the movie was a wet blanket.

No shit.

Anyone else want this one? No? Fiiiiiiiine….

I think we're all wondering….

Or, another spin, RATM and SSSC are both Tom Morello porjects.

I wish that I could fly
Into the sky
So very high
Just like a dragonfly

Wasn't Pebbles Fred's daughter? I cannot condone violence against cartoon baby girls. Now if Barney wants to slap Betty around a little bit, well, I'm on board.