
Poor Charlie? Sure THIS show was a flop, but the guy has had prominent, starring roles in both one of the top movie franchises and one of the top TV series of the last decade. We should all be so lucky.

One word, people:

Why can't this be the end of the Killers?
As far as I'm concerned, the Killers were dead the second they asked me if we were humans or dancers.

The point of this week's episode was not to explain away what you're calling the Sublime, or what I universally refer to as "The Origin of Things." The point of Across the Sea was to tell us the story of Jacob and his brother. Which is what it did. It explains how they came to the Island, why they hate each other, how

Desmond's sacrifice? He's Lost's equivalent of LotR's Ring of Power, and those energy pockets are Mt Doom. Think about it. The energy pocket created his power in the hatch explosion - the Ring of Power was created in the Fires of Mt Doom. Everyone is fighting over him. To fix everything, he must be destroyed by being

The actual killing of Daniel was a mistake, yes. HOWEVER, Eloise and Widmore raised him intentionally grooming him to go to the Island and die. They knew what would happen, and knew that it HAD to happen. So they discouraged his musical aspirations, steered him into theoretical physics, bankrolled his research, and

whotookmysoul -
Sawyer's constant is going to be Juliette. He just hasn't run into her yet. But he will, and it will involve going Dutch on a coffee date.

There are 9 TV hours left. Which, with commercials, makes it about 6 or 6 and a half runtime hours left. PLEEEENTY of time, if they use it right.

Alexing - In the original timeline, Sayid marries Nadia, but she soon dies. In the Alterna-Verse, he doesn't get her, but she lives. Have a snickers and think about that one.

What does God need with an airplane?

The important question is… Does the Roger doll come with a Black-face option?

Sawyer's just fed up with the Island. I don't think he expects to find Juliet on the other side. He just needs to get as far away as possible from the place that constantly reminds him the woman he loved died there tragically. Smokey basically told him "this place sucks, I want to leave, don't you too? C'mon, let's