Larry Indiana

Yeah, it's like a hard-R version of Batman '66, and it did it long before the Gotham TV show staked out that territory for itself.

They certainly have 70% less budget…

Not even close. The Tartakovsky shorts were stylized and well-animated. This looks homogenized and animated via PowerPoint.

I know the short you're talking about. It was a bit too crypto-racist, left a bad taste in my mouth.
Off topic kinda, but how weird is it that stories from Ennis's Punisher run and his Hellblazer run were both loosely adapted to the big screen the very same year, without crediting him at all?

I'm all for spotlighting the women of Star Wars, but this looks fucking terrible

As much as Jon Bernthal impressed me, and Tom Jane had some good things going for him, it's not even close when it comes to the Punisher. Ray all the way.

I wonder if this would also work with duck.

Ah, the good ol' high-pass filter trick. Takes me back.

I've heard a technique of grinding together some lean chuck with bacon in a 2-to-1 ratio. The reasoning being that bacon fat is tastier than beef fat, why not remove the beef fat from the equation and replace with something better? I haven't tried it yet, but intend to do so soon.

Awesome! Ted 2 shot a couple scenes in my work building. I didn't get to see any of the stars but I did get a glimpse of the on-set stand-in teddy bear, so that's something.

Brandon triggered something visceral in me. I'm not a violent man but every time he was onscreen I wanted to punch him in the face. Maybe it was how he would gently close his eyes and nod his head when picking a clue. It made me nauseous. I think it's even odds that that guy has teenage girls locked up in his basement.

And the Enquirer has actually done some good reporting once or twice! It was the Enquirer who broke the story on on John Edward's love child, mostly through dogged "shoe-leather" reporting.
Not exactly news of much consequence, but proficient journalism nonetheless.

God damn Lee Weeks can draw good comics. Loved this guy since his old Daredevil run.

Rush is great but In The Heart of the Sea is the real overlooked gem here. (That whale was a real asshole.)

I started off joking that she looked like Max Rebo but by FJ I was in love with Lisa. Bravo, girl!

Their plans were *always* for crossovers. Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk were in production simultaneously and came out within a couple months of each other, and there are many references to the former in the latter, not the least of which is a cameo by Robert Downey Jr, himself.

I'm sorry, WHAT?!?

I feel the jokes are mostly good, it's that extra flourish he always insists on adding to them after the punchline that drives me up the god damn wall.

All the talk about coal miners on the right has never been about actual coal miners. It's identity politics, plain and simple. "Coal miner"="Honest, hard-working WHITE MAN"

I for one am dying to know how many clunky "90's!!!" signifiers will be wedged into the film. I predict the opening chords of "Outshined" by Soundgarden will kick off at least one scene. (Probably Quicksilver's)