Larry Indiana

Sheesh who even knows if Jon will have his reunion with Psycho Arya and Doctor Bran-hattan before Cersei has his head sqooshed by The Mountain

I got his autograph and shook his hand for free at a con way way back in the late 80s. I haven't washed that hand since.

I got his autograph and shook his hand for free at a con way way back in the late 80s. I haven't washed that hand since.

That's in 1, with the green goblin, but yes, that bit is great.

Aw yeah, Swervedriver was my jam. Road Rash soundtrack for life.

we must never forget

Sonic is for furries.

Thor comics, for a long long time, have been all about obliterating the line between sci-fi and fantasy. I for one think it was pretty darn cool that Dark World had elves with ray guns and spaceships, and I think Kirby and Walt Simonson would feel the same way.

I've already said my piece on this fictive abortion, and it's better to light a candle, so I'll just tell anybody that hasn't read it to do themselves a favor and read John Scalzi's Redshirts instead.

Wouldn't the peanut butter and chocolate get all goopy?

Dibs on the one with the dead bird on it

Of the "oven-rising" variety of frozen pizzas, Freschetta > DiGiornos (But they are both still pretty bad.)

Red Baron Deep Dish Singles were my late-night go-to for a while, until the CVSes around here mysteriously stopped carrying them. They really hit that junk-food sweet spot of "oh god, this is unpleasant and yet delicious and I can't stop eating it"(See also "Hint of Lime" Tostitos)

Ah, shit, that header image is doing something to me

It would be darker still if Denis got turned, but didn't actually get any healthier, so now he's suffering AND immortal.

Ah, nuts. I'll have to start fact-checking before I post trivia. (I probably won't)

He also played Sarris in Galaxy Quest. Sadly passed away before his time.
EDIT: As noted below, he did not play Sarris. But that guy was cool too.

Does Bob Roberts count?

There's some good stuff in them, mainly on Chiklis's part.