Larry Indiana

I suppose Hoechlin was fine but I did not care for those sideburns and 5-o'clock shadow.


They could bring in Purple Man's children I suppose.

Ah Call of Duty. Or as I like to call it, "Shouty Army Guys Game".

Call of Duty: World War II: World At War: Rise of Warfare

Like oil and vinegar, these two.

What's your stance on whether Sung Kang's character in the F&F series is the same character he played in Better Luck Tomorrow?

For me, it's the fact that Paul Walker is dressed like a six-year old being dragged around a suburban Wal-Mart by his mom through the entire film.
I strongly suspect the fact that Brian almost exclusively wears nice suits in part 4 is a reaction to this.

I actually can't argue with this. It has the best bad guys.

People that don't like the series overall tend to single out Tokyo Drift as their favorite. I can see why, it's got a more familiar structure, similar to a sports movie or The Karate Kid.
But here's the thing—it's also really, really good.
All the good Fast and Furious movies embrace an aesthetic of graceful chaos (or

I couldn't say, but I would say buy for whichever controller you prefer.
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is another solid VC choice.

Gunstar Heroes.

Legend of the Mystical Ninja or nothing.

Are we ever gonna see Ilyn Payne again? He's on Arya's list still but Ser Candle-head has been absent from the show since season 2 or 3, I think.

I press two fingers to my ear when I'm speaking on a headset. Defeats the purpose, sure, but it's the universal symbol for "I'm speaking to somebody via telecommunications, I'm not an insane person".

Glad I'm not the only person who feels this way. At the very least the Waynes should have been iced at the end of the pilot, not in its frigging opening scene.

Ward looked like Mac from Always Sunny in this episode.

This reminded me of the swings between grit and camp in PUNISHER WAR ZONE, so…I liked it!!!

I do not recall any story in which the X-Men killed a bunch of Skrulls but i suppose with all the crazy shit that happens in the MU it had to have happened at some point.