Larry Indiana

Go back and watch the finales of JAWS or BACK TO THE FUTURE. Utterly thrilling, but it terms of scope and scale they're practically MY DINNER WITH ANDRE compared to the finales of modern blockbusters.

It owes more of a debt to ICE PIRATES, I say.

Thomas Jane would show up as the Punisher to the opening of a Wegman's.

I really wish people would stop saying that it's a hint that SHIELD employed magic to revive him. "Tahiti" is clearly just a post-hypnotic suggestion trigger.

I think I saw a different show than everybody else here. I thought this ep was a seismic improvement over the previous 6. The lighting wasn't as ugly and flat as it has been, and a lot of really fun character beats and interactions. The characters weren't as bland and boring as they've been. Ward/Fitz was a fun romp.

Hourman, Hourman he's…our man! If can can't see an hour into the future no-one can!

I had a roommate that would have put "My Friend George" at the top of this list. That song annoyed her on an almost superhuman level.

Hey, I like "Sex With Your Parents". That whole album is great.

Werner Herzog!

Purgatory is a "hell-lite"-ish place where redeemable sinners can do penance and earn admission to Heaven.

Please please please let Munch show up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nooo, not the Belz! 

Nevertheless—cancer is an asshole.

I love this movie something fierce. My poorly-subtitled VHS of it is a treasured possession. Chow is so fantastic in both personas.

It's a guh-guh-g-g-gGHOST!!!(Recon)

Agent Phil GHOULson!!!!

Fakeout: It's going to be the David Hasselhoff version

@avclub-47841cc9e552bd5c40164db7073b817b:disqus CRAZY and most of the weirder Steve Gerber stuff was before my time, and I never got around to checking it  out. All nerds have their limits I suppose.

Well, if they are going to include costumed crimefighters, they'll probably lean on other Gotham-based characters, like The Creeper and Hitman.