My Gimmick Is That I Have No G

"This American Life" did a segment on the cancellation of Matt Joseph's show.  I just did a search on TAL's website to see that you were talking about the same cancelled car show and it says that episode of TAL aired in 1997.  Which means that Matt Joseph's show was cancelled over 15 years ago.  Are you really still

"This American Life" did a segment on the cancellation of Matt Joseph's show.  I just did a search on TAL's website to see that you were talking about the same cancelled car show and it says that episode of TAL aired in 1997.  Which means that Matt Joseph's show was cancelled over 15 years ago.  Are you really still

Considering that the review says this episode premiered in 1994 I'm gonna go with no.

Considering that the review says this episode premiered in 1994 I'm gonna go with no.

Wait, what's his beef with Neil Patrick Harris?  Inquiring minds want to know but are too lazy to google it.

Supposedly, they wanted to make a Barton Fink sequel set 20 years after the original but they were waiting for John Turturro to get old enough.

You'd better be careful, pretty sure associating him with The Phantom Menace is cause for Ron Howard to sue you.

Use the horse Luke.

I'd just like to point out that Oz was just a performer in Star Wars but he seems to have been an integral creative part of the Muppets.

Their initial attraction in the movie when they're on the train is supposed to be a classic MPDG meet-cute.  The only reason they meet and Clementine pursues Joel is because of their latent memories.

"You Americans really live to judge, don't you? "
Yes, all Americans live to judge.  It's a good thing you never do things like make judgmental pronouncements about an entire country and its citizens.

Really?  I checked and she was 21 when the relationship became public.  3 years seems like a long time for Mia Farrow to not suspect anything.  Not that it couldn't have happened but I'd like to see a source.

Not to take away from Allen's assholery but Mia Farrow's daughter wasn't a minor.

They definitely still do some editing on the newest episodes. Hulu has a disclaimer stating that they've edited SNL for rights issues and just glancing at some recent episodes Netflix is the same length or shorter than the ones on Hulu. The Gwyneth Paltrow episode for instance is 54 minutes on Hulu and 37 minutes on

Clive Owen and Julia Roberts both seemed fairly well off in that movie.

When Serenity came out I was a massive Firefly fan so I jumped at the chance to see one of the preview screenings that came out a few months before the final release. The theater was completely packed, it was obvious that everyone there had been waiting 2 or 3 years to see that movie so the feel in the room

The Coens have said that they want to do a sequel to Barton Fink once John Turturro is older.

She wore a slave Leia bikini. Doesn't that forgive anything she may have done before or since?