My Gimmick Is That I Have No G

At first I was going to tell you to just give up but then you said you liked Buffy/Angel so I'm going to revise my opinion and tell you to keep at it. If you really want to give the show a real shot then you should watch up to at least "Out of Gas", that's a really good episode with a lot of good character moments.

I don't mind Buscemi having range but that part didn't really require any to begin with. It was just a customer being annoyed at annoying behavior. Literally, anyone could have played that part. Buscemi's presence didn't really add much other than the initial realization that "hey, that's Steve

He's in one sketch in the first episode. It was the best sketch from that episode but Buscemi didn't act all that Buscemi-esque.


My Apology
I would like to formally apologize to Marlee Matlin: I'm sorry that there are so few deaf roles that you are forced to work on crappy reality shows.

How did he know what to say? They had the lines written down in a script.
How did he know where to stand? People showed him

Of course not, anonymous internet commenters are always accepting of opinions that they disagree with. After all this is the internet where the great minds of our day come to grapple with ongoing issues through respectful dialog.

So looking at that picture at first I assumed that the show was a crap generic family sitcom but then I went to Wikipedia and read the description:

Only because Amy Acker had scars all over her face.

And racism!

So does that mean that we can start wishing LyonsAIDS onto people with failed firsties?

@A Student
Are you rich or on a scholarship? If you're not then it's hard to let a love of learning justify getting deeply in debt especially when nothing is stopping you from learning on your own time.

Yeah, but that doesn't work unless you're an only child.

I'll admit to not having read any of the "Classic Literature + Monsters" books but done well it's not lazy at all. Sure most (or all) of those books probably suck but Sturgeon's law accounts for that and I don't think anyone here would argue that spoof movies are completely invalidated just because of the constant

I think "everybody who is not Christopher Guest is an asshole" applies a little bit to "For Your Consideration" but none of the others. He's the biggest asshole in "Waiting For Guffman" probably because it's the one where he has the largest role.

Avatar Avenger, perhaps you could explain why parodying classic literature is an affront to art?

Hey, does anyone else think it's weird that Spader-Man started showing up a lot more once "Boston Legal" was canceled?

The hair didn't change colors to show how arty Gondry was. It changed so the audience could see which time period it was.

The second season of Torchwood is mildly better than the first. At the very least James Marster's character is fun and it has a few good (if not great episodes). Children Of Earth however is fantastic and it's just 5 episodes so you should at least check that out.

At least with "Running Wilde" Hurwitz said he was explicitly trying to be more commercial. Any show's going to suck if you're trying to appeal to everybody.