Wolf Eyes Cody

He's filming the sequel to Philadelphia.

Paul, in his eulogy for her, said:
"She don't eat the meat, but she sure likes the bone!"

The only thing that makes me sad is litter on the highway.

Is "Farel Dalrymple" a character within a comic book who draws comic books? Is this a meta thing?

Al Williams and "Misha" is one my favorite ventriloquist acts. I love the crazy stuff Williams makes the whiteboy puppet say.

"You tell that Billy Preston he owes me money!"

Q. What do you call a whore with wings? A. Linda.

He died on the way back to his home planet.

Gob: Take off your glasses. Oh… wait, wait. Take off your hat. No: glasses on, hat back on. Let's just get that hat back on.

We need to rastafy him by… 100%.

I'm asking that, because the left-to-right thing works up until the final two guys. They are kinda occupying the same space. I would think the younger guy is Lil Poochie and the old guy is Motown Maurice. But a google search tells me I'm wrong. It's the other way around.

The Hans and Franz commercial was kinda sad.

Packers don't seem as powerful this year. But maybe Seattle just shut down the receivers.

From left to right: Al Williams, Misha Lindes, Johnny Depp, Roy Gaines, director Vincent Haycock, Paul McCartney, Henree Harris, Dale Atkins, Lil Poochie, Motown Maurice

Exclusive: Get a first look at Ringo Starr’s “Just a N**** Dolphin That Loves Barbara Bach” rap song

If I wanted to watch pasty white British dudes and the blues, I'd eavesdrop on Gargamel.

Headgear Scissorhands

Dying in a helicopter does not make you Vic Morrow, Stevie Ray Vaughan.

…about life insurance.

We're so sorry/
Aunt Dikachu