Wolf Eyes Cody


Don Draper comes in through the front door of a diner, guns down the Sopranos family, runs off with Johnny Cakes.

If he reminded him of Sal, he'd be a long order cook.

Roger's mustache achieves sentience.

Sorry, you're thinking of Fargo: Season 2.

Regardless, he's moving to Detroit.

That's like the end of Night Court.

There was a moment last night where the camera just lingered on Don's door as it closed for a good 5 seconds. Too bad that shot couldn't be used in a teaser, as it was a season premiere.

She's got enough Sunday night shows already.

Don Draper joins KISS.

This makes me really look forward to it.

Yes, from Haley Joel Osment.

After an all-new Boning Dead.

Don starts running across America and inadvertently creates the happy face "Shit Happens" bumper sticker.

Well, I remember hearing awhile back that Matt Weiner told certain people what the final scene was or whatever, and everybody he told said it was a horrible idea, except for maybe one person.

Is that all there is?

"The Lansburys taste like Lansbury!"
-Charlie Bucket, eating out Angela Lansbury

Underrated James Bond IMHO.

"While My Ringo Gently Weeps"

I was into these guys when they were the Quarrymen.