Wolf Eyes Cody

My buddies once pissed off a travel agent and the travel agent booked them on a gay cruise. George Lazenby was there.

More like "sound of rape whistle resembling toot toot"

Whoever you are, whoever you bring
You'll find that hospitality on parade

The Jimmy Buffett Buffet

Here's a good example.

Maybe it's me being old, but I would never want to be stuck on a cruise ship with people who share one common bond. Not even if it was an A.V. Club Cruise.

Alan Koenig? Calling BonerTime!

And such small portions!

I haven't felt this bad since John Vernon tried to shoot me point blank.


Sonia is more of a "DENTAL PLAN" kinda gal.

I have a feeling this will be cancelled.

Getting caught in the reins…

And 3 times as bitter as The Sweetest Thing.

Peter Glanz and Peter Bonerz in "Peter Bonerglanz"

It's A Band Apart.

It feels like they put the same 20 actors in a blender and then they have movies that spinoff out of that. Next up: Bateman with Tina Fey in a movie, Olivia Wilde with Jon Hamm, and uh, Rose Byrne with Paul Rudd. Sure.

*in 2012, it was on a Wednesday night (because of the DNC)

"I pinned the army man!"

It'll just get more unbearable with NFL and MLB playoff ads.