Wolf Eyes Cody

There seem to be lot of middling teams this year. Usually, I have an opinion on a Super Bowl prediction. I guess… Seahawks vs. Broncos?

You play a good game Yob!

It's actually a hacked photo from Adam Levine's phone.

Guy on the far left is the messiah.

Mullets I'd Like to Fondle?

One of my pet theories about this hacking thing is that one of the times some other service was breached (like Yahoo), hackers did some keyword searches to locate the names of celebrities. If you've got their password on one service, good chance you have the password on other services.

All companies are porn production companies if you add enough Spanish fly to the water supply.

Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice & Evil-Lyn

Maybe after I eat this comically large bowl of chili.

R.I.P. Vito Spatafore


This reminds me of when USA brokered a deal with Ebaum's World to do a show.
Much like the untanned torso of the average EbaumsWorld.com user, that one never saw the light of day.

Like the pine trees lining the winding road.

The Big Bang Theory was like 600 decades ago.

Between grief and nothing, I choose nothing.

Fast forward to a cult in New Mexico made up of nerds who literally hang on his final command.


At least he's now free to host a YouTube show called "Will it Crush(er)?"

Rather, two centuries ahead.