
Missed points
You're not supposed to talk about either Fight Club or Prject Mayhem (as has been noted).

I agree! We alienated, lonely, sufferers of MPD deserve a love story for us!


But seriously….
It used to be technology only had a few advances a generation (practical advances that changed people's day to day lives). There is such a constant revolution of products these days - we're all riding that wave together (granted, some more so than others). Factor in the extended adolescence / second

I think any reference to liking someone of your gender is a Gen Y thing (see: bromance). Back in my day we just called each other Friends.

I saw this article - what a maroon! Anyway, being born in 1980 (the cutoff year to be in Gen X apparently) explains why I don't understand "kids these days".

Oh Kanye. When will you learn that fishsticks are just food, not love.

Easier on the sores are they?

Exhibit A
My husband and child went to see this. The A.V. Club gave it a C-, so at least it's not terrible, right?


*chanting* Ruuufffiii-oooooooooo

Come on ladies!
Anyone else tired of women writing "how to find love" books? Are we just SOL regarding interesting material from our mildly-washed-up-actress-cum-writers?

Oh God!
Why do you hate us?

Come on now! Let's not sully these fine pages with Forrest Gump quotes.

Hooray for Paks!
Dear Donna,

For the record I suggest:
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, by Phillip K. Dick. It's short, but like all PKD fare it's chockablock full of interesting ideas.

This was a fun movie to watch. Everybody looked like they were having a great time.


Uhhh….no he wasn't. There were playwrights, like, thousands of years before Shakespeare. So, nuts to you!

DARE taught me "hugs not drugs". Sooooo……drugs are the answer now?