
Grammar: replace "fine" with "find"

Grammar: replace "fine" with "find"

I agree.  As far from the rails as this show seems to go sometimes, it really is just a character study in how people get sucked down into the dreadful abyss. Way back in the day when he just started making meth to leave something for his family it was a manly act to care for his own.  Now he's blinded by the effort

I agree.  As far from the rails as this show seems to go sometimes, it really is just a character study in how people get sucked down into the dreadful abyss. Way back in the day when he just started making meth to leave something for his family it was a manly act to care for his own.  Now he's blinded by the effort

I like Tommy's I'm-gonna-get-in-a-fight smile - like a kid a Christmas (I guess he likes fighting if he's the one in charge)

I know right! From badass to sadass in no time flat!

*Crosses fingers*
I am recklessly optimistic.

I had no idea!
I didn't know the book club was covering this book. I just read it (working my way through LOA PKD novels from the '70s and '80s). I am excited to discuss!

Well I was just making it up as I we… went along really…

Yeah - I'm pretty excited about it myself. I had missed season 1, and I just watched the whole thing over a few nights (thank you Netflix). Experienced that way the larger arc was very satisfying. I don't care if it's a modern A-Team - it's fully awesome in it's own right.

Hmmm Gary Oldman
I'll see this - but only for Gary!

Ta-co? Or not ta-co? That is the question. Whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of being terribly fat, or to eat so many tacos that you shit your life out, and by so doing, get thin.

I doubt that. You know you are irresistibly attracted to John Mayer's ironic sweater.

1 Degree….
I know Elle's sister. It's weird for me…

Any body want some candy?
'Cause I got some! =)

Over the knee boots…
Are totally for hookers.

Well, yes it is just trading out one word for another. He doesn't use either version at school, or other such places.

You're all mutha' 'uckers and you're 'ucking with my shed.

Generally AG and I hate/barely tolerate similar things, but I gotta say: "F-bomb" fills a very real hole for children who need to curse.
My boy (rather ingeniously I thought) uses F-bomb (or F-bombing). Also H*e*l*l, and crap.
Oh my f-bombing god!

I am thrilled by this news.