

@ Alcing Functionholic

Ditto DK and Persia - now I'll have to wait 5 to 10 years for some one to do it right.

I remember that.

All this reminds of those homemade commercials for Ranger Surplus stores where that incredibly red-necked guys says "this store is the cat's ass".

I had zero interest in this movie, but my son and I needed something to do - was I ever suprised! That hamster was priceless. My kid really liked when Bolt "flipped" the car with his head. There were some damn fine action sequences.

You reminded me - who else has seen that awful music video with Kid Rock and the Army guys? I saw it before Watchmen, and was instantly reminded of that song.

I'm petitioning for it to be called "ArrDev". That has a better ring to it than "Arrested D". Plus the latter makes me think of orange drink in prison.


Now I really want some peaches.

I found "Welcome to the Monkey House" in my parent's basement when I was 12 - I re-read that poor book until it was held together with love and rubber bands. But what truly saved my life as a teenager was "God Bless You Mr. Rosewater". I can easily credit KV with the fact that I'm still alive. Somehow he made the

I loved Romance and Cigarettes. I remember hearing about it long before it was released, and waiting…

Plus - Newman-O's are f-ing delicious. Name one tasty munchie Pauly Shore ever gave us?

Plus - Newman-O's are f-ing delicious. Name one tasty munchie Pauly Shore ever gave us?

Awesome!!!!!! I have this on my queue, and my husband was all "Tales From the Darkside, really?!" I replied that the show is awesome, then he reminded me that when I watched that show I had a 13" B&W T.V., and there were only 4 channels. I maintain that this show is great (any one remember the cancer episode - where

I'm a big fan of "tough tittie toenails" in response to any complaint (the less sense you make the better). I also like to randomly hide, then jump out and scare my son. That way it will be forever impressed upon his mind that his mom could be literally ANYWHERE - then he'll think twice about hitting that marijuana

I'm a big fan of "tough tittie toenails" in response to any complaint (the less sense you make the better). I also like to randomly hide, then jump out and scare my son. That way it will be forever impressed upon his mind that his mom could be literally ANYWHERE - then he'll think twice about hitting that marijuana

@xericwit Regarding Elizabeth Alexander: I loved it when, during her recitation at the inauguration, the cameras panned and showed masses of people wandering away. Really Ms. Alexander? I LIKE poetry and I found that hard to listen to (although, in all fairness, maybe she's just not that good a public reader). Yikes.

Oh, my face apparently. Thanks for the corrections. And indeed, well played Mollusk!

"tchoke at"