
It is like the force, because it has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.

One of the most tired people I ever met was the dad of triplets that started at the preschool I ran the register for. He was practically begging me to let them start early, to the point that he asked if he could leave a bit during their trial visit - something we always told people could not happen because staffing

I always thought it came from her not being able to pronounce her own name when she was little. Lorelai is a bit of a mouthful for a toddler.

It's a wringer, not a ringer.

They both should have had quite a lot of money from Richards mother already, she mentions a trust fund and nearly gives Rory some money out of it but then changes her mind. And Richard surely would have left them something, too.

Random point: Why don't they call the Grimm books 'grimmoires'? Pun opportunity lost.
Also, on a purely personal level I'm quite glad that they are up against an organisation called Black Claw now. Sounds a lot better to my German-speaking mind than 'Wesenrein'. If I ever wanted to market a proprietary Wesen-cleaner,

You are quite wrong about most of that, sorry. I'm a native speaker, and it's Riesenratte. Riesen and reißen are not related at all. "ie" is pronounced like the English "ee", "ei" is pronounced like "eye", so it sounds more like "reezunruttuh". "Reißen" sounds more like "ricen". The German word for king is "König".

I noticed that his hair looked very fake grey, so who knows.

Who says Rose is dead? Could have been someone they'd given the same face in an operation. And it takes quite a bit of time to strangle someone - bit of a weird choice when there is people in hot pursuit. Plus, it would be very telenovela…

Surely Dean's knife is the blade, or to be more precise, the bone handle is made from it? Dean not having the mark at the time when he first stabbed Abbadon would explain why it didn't work then. I also assume that Cain knew (he would have recognized his weapon) and just sent Crowley on a wild goose chase to the

But no more lederhosen, L-o-l-a. There's limits.

Surely the title is a play on 'Un chien Andalou' (a very early, very surrealist and in places creepy Buñuel/Dalí film), 'Tangerine' being an obsolote adjective referring to Tangier?
Certainly would make a lot of sense. Well, more sense than Un chien Andalou. With less sliced eyeballs.

"Hi, I'm your grandfather, wearing a red shirt and clutching a mcguffin to my chest that might come in handy later. Oops, I'm dead."

Caveat: This is wild speculation, but I'm convinced that September is the mute bald boy with the telepathic abilities they found underground and that grew so attached to Olivia. One of the clues pointing to that is the fact that they mentioned that the CO2 level in those tunnels was very high - Observers like high

Caveat: This is wild speculation, but I'm convinced that September is the mute bald boy with the telepathic abilities they found underground and that grew so attached to Olivia. One of the clues pointing to that is the fact that they mentioned that the CO2 level in those tunnels was very high - Observers like high

I've been mentally comparing Dean with Angel a lot. Apart from taking me right back to my usenet days, this has reminded me of a quote that is kinda pertinent. It's from the episode Epiphany:
 Angel: Well, I guess I kinda worked it out. If there's no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters… , then all

You know, the more I think about it the more I think that Frank may have done them a big favor by making them get rid of the Impala for a while. The thing has been a cage as much as a home for them. Together with what he said to Dean about either quitting or deciding to be fine till the end of the week and being a

Isn't it astonishing how the boys seem to have been humanized instead of dehumanized by their time in hell and everything that has happened to them?
The fact that Dean after everything he's been through and all the loss he has suffered still would take the time and try to make the life of that little boy whose mom

Actually, I'm getting the impression that especially if he is still seeing Lucifer these brief moments of joy will be something he treasures all the more. Sam has really matured, a lot of the arrogant parts of his personality have been stripped away, and it is surprising what people can get used to. 

' when he realized how genuinely happy Dean was in that moment, he was happy, too.'
Exactly. For all their going on about being brothers, this was the most brotherly - or sibling-like - they have been with each other in a long time.