tanooki soup

or Rick yelling "Korl!!" after the brat wanders off for the 1000th time …


I want to see her as the head of the EPA, trying to shut them down.

That's bad!

Saigon Suicide Squad no show up, strawberry picker! We take care of that!

Let's all just take a minute to be thankful that, unlike those romance languages, we English speakers will never have to consider the "gender" of a table. Or a cat. Or a house. &c.

… and you have to read the whole thing aloud three times? Boring!

Spike Lee tweets the address to a good costume shop

I will *not* think about it, and you can't make me!

Maybe she did — after all, she was 89 years old … Anyway, maybe that's not the best turn of phrase, considering Mr. Williams' recent choice.

When I lived in New York, I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.


::cough cough Falklands::

that's some funky lemonade

In many ways, Mike Myers never left, sir. He's always offered the same high-quality comedy at competitive prices!

The Hobbit: The Battle of Who Could Care Less

Just like the ethnic guy at my work! I mean, what is he supposed to be, anyway? Ecuadorean or something?

Na, I can't think of a proper salt pun either.

Not as big of a spoiler as Drag Me To Hell.

Every time they open the door to what will later be the Bat Cave, they are faced with stock footage of a train heading toward them, forcing them to close the door as quickly as possible!