tanooki soup

In his defense, those blintzes were terrible!

I count three things … all of which can be done simultaneously

Yeah, but who wants only ONE chrysanthemum pomegranate doughnut? We're talking at least $7.50 a week … which is an unconscionable amount to spend on doughnuts, unless that pink box is full, goddamn it.

Most of the shops here (Northern CA) that sell donuts still make them fresh in the store, but it's all out of pre-made, mass-distributed mixes. So you can get the exact same donut at any of them … It's basically the McDonaldization of donuts. They might as well be made in one location and then distributed.

Are you thinking about Free Fallin', the ode to Gwen Stacy?

I love your song 'Last Dance With Marijuana.' What it lacks in subtlety, it makes up for in marijuana references!

What about a cow puncher? Or maybe a punch cower? He cowers with the strength of a punch!

folk'll figure it out

No, he was at the Richard Schlong School of Architecture

that's a rock fact!


Why would the US want to inconvenience the average North Korean peasant? It's not like an inconvenienced peasant will vote for the other guy in the next round of elections. Annoying the people in power is an end in itself.

They should relax. After you get killed, it's very difficult to sue anybody.

I don't get it.

Step 3: Profit!

As far as I've been able to discern, it only goes in one direction. It may need more testing though.

Secret War is Peace

Take it from someone who's been there: a Master's degree is a "professional degree," which will help you get a good career. A PhD is solely an academic's degree, which, unless you're in the hard sciences (chemistry, biology), is only good for becoming a professor. And since no one is hiring professors these days, it


But spelled "Enlightainment"