tanooki soup

That carpenter was living the Dream of the 90s.

If you're tired of writing "Donald Duck" as a write-in candidate on your school's student council ballot, ND offers a humorous alternative.

'In the Mouth of Madness' was a fun twist on this idea. Something about Lovecraft just makes you want to break the fourth wall.

That's too bad, I wanted Leno to do it. We can always go for another Clinton joke, right? Plus, I hear he's newly available

Please excuse me, I'll be in the bathroom for the next 3 minutes …

I don't see how injury-fetishists are going to help anything

Well ooh la de dah, Mr. Frenchman!

Are you saying that Jeremy Irons is going to be in this?

That's fair.

I feel the same way about the Daily Show interns. Good lord, no one should watch that much cable news, that closely. I wonder if they get some type of bonus when they find a particularly absurd/hypocritical remark?

how much for us to watch?


I'm typing a comment right now!

preferably hot lady celebrity nudity.

I get annoyed at people.

Yeah, but Ariadne was miscast

::electronic fart noise::

er … *Carolene


I completely agree, and was surprised that Sava didn't mention this in the review. The delicious subversiveness of AT is that all the dark & adult material is hidden in plain sight, like so many bombs and skulls in the opening credits. But this was an adult episode through and through, with no tension between