tanooki soup

There is a good discussion of Beemo's gender on the Idea Channel (on Youtube). It's titled, "Is BMO From Adventure Time Expressive of Feminism?"

They're the type of wars that makes a man feel like a jedi, and makes a jedi feel like a coo-coo nutty Super-jedi

Lobot is autoboterotic

Bravo, O'Neal. Bravo! Your Pushcart Prize is in the mail, surely!

I had 0 notifications … I guess I'll go eat worms.

With Lebeouf starring as Montezuma's Revenge

It is certainly possible for CGI animation to look good. South Park, for instance, looks better now than the old paper cut-outs did (perhaps not as stylized, but it looks cleaner). But good CGI are few and far between. Whenever I flip past the kids channels I see downright terrible CGI animation. Stuff that I

I realize that I'm late to the game, but when did we decide that cartoons are better made by computers than by people? Most of the cartoons these days look terrible. (Yes, get off my lawn, etc). I guess that it's cheaper (and live cartooning was a terrible strain on the animators' wrists, etc) but still, for a


I hear the gritty Planet of the Apes reboot is going to feature monkeys wearing human skins.

If I remember my freshman philosophy course correctly, it was Descartes who proved that if you know you are, then you aren't an aspect of James Franco.

The A.V. Club
some long meta thing that has been going on for years.

I've heard that there is map to O'Neal's house written on the back of the Constitution.

After he died they beamed him up to the Enterprise, where Dr. Crusher was able to counteract the poison and thereby 'resurrect' him. Picard explains that he did truly die, and thus fulfilled his bond — and is thereby allowed to select a new mate. Long story short, the Enterprise gets the vaccine and everyone's happy!

Sure, but having a political affiliation doesn't disqualify one as being a public intellectual. The author dismisses Krugman because he's so political, and so productive (weekly newspaper column, daily blogs, talking head television appearances, etc) that he's basically a pundit.

I was in my third year of grad school in sociology when it came out. At a Christmas party, I was describing how proud I was of my students, who were really good at coming up with cockamamie bullshit to "critically analyze" popular culture. Then some dude from the balcony above threw up all over me.

Noam Chomsky?


You idiot! That's exactly what he wanted you to do!

Am I the only one who read that last sentence as O'Neal's bid for his ass to be the next Person of the Year?