tanooki soup

Clooney's publicist's Disqus account strikes again! Nice try.

Jeremy's … iron

How about Professor X and Magneto?

So Scandal is The West Wing in an age of truthiness: it doesn't make any sense but that's OK because it feels true.


The Shadow knows.

You must be doing it wrong. When I do it to myself, it feels pretty good.

pics or it didn't happen!

My mind always goes to America Ferrera. And I'm OK with that.

OK, but can he make it the rest of the way out of Maryland?

He's got a radio show that's basically this. It's called "Here's The Thing," and it sounds like an actor trying to do radio … and not in an old-timey, 'The Shadow' type of way.

I will never understand how Sean = Shawn.

The Shadow knows.

The red shirt was awesome, especially because the intro intimates that someone was going to die.

It's like Nixon said: "When the [princess] does it, that means that it's not illegal."

Ooh, they used nylon rope this time. It feels so smooth against my skin! Almost sensuous.

Isn't that just like AMC? Brings a Knifeman to a Gunman fight.

"This guy knows what I'm talkin' about!"

I want a Coke!

Rupert Jee would have been at the top of my list.