tanooki soup

Man, I hate passing on the right. I'd never see that movie.

It's not a toomah!

Crust punks? That's the first I've heard of that

Who would ever watch a show about love on a boat?

I don't know if "butter dick" is that great of a boast

For ten grand, he'll actually sit behind you in court and read the paper. For fifteen, he'll actually sit at the defense table.

I'm a sociologist, and my favorite sociology reference is in Dirty Harry. When Harry meets his new partner, he asks what the partner studied in college. When the kid tells him sociology, Harry replies, "Sociology? Oh, you'll go far … that is, if you live!"

Because of those books, I will forever know that no one ever trims their nails right after getting out of the shower! If someone is trimming his nails, his alibi of "showering" is a lie.

it was a humorous episode … of our lives

You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price
I know

I would pay to see Nick Offerman punch out a horse named William Howard Taft.

There are also "relationship" outside of romantic Finn/Flame Princess/Bubblegum relationships.  The show has focused on Finn's romantic awakening with such intensity, that the more interesting relationships (like Marceline / PB) are relegated to afterthoughts.  (Yes, they hung out in Time Sandwich, but only for a

One, two cat princes mewl before you
That what I said now
Princes, princes who adore you
Just go ahead now
One has a crown upon his boxes
That's some bread, now
This one said he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now

the ring came off my pudding can!

The "chazzwazzer" — hey fellas, a "chazzwazzer." Well, oh la-ti-da Mr. Australian!

I've heard that the death of a common ally is a particularly effective team builder

heh heh.

I think that the actual foam finger with which Ms. Montana faux-masturbated is now at the Smithsonian.

Doughty's solo work has made me appreciate what drummers, bassists, etc, add to a band.  Sure, his lyrics were smack-inspired genius, but the songs only sound like Soul Coughing because of Antoni, Steinberg and Gabay.  It's kind of fascinating to see how little Doughty had to do with the "sound" — in a recent

It's just 'Soft Serve' over and over and over …