tanooki soup


Oh, I kneel for gays.

On a good day, I'll do both

Man, I knew Pistorius was setting a dangerous precedent. I kept saying, "this man's dangerous!" but no one listened …

" That joke sucked. "

Wait, is Bizarro Aquaman Mike Doughty the same as Soul Coughing Mike Doughty? Holy wow!

We appreciate it.

do I smell a Kickstarter campaign in the works???

You think that you and Kanye connect

I like how any description of LiLo's plans can include the phrase, "as Lohan emerges from rehab."

Yeah but he would only ever count to 'one.'  With all the repositioning required, it would lose momentum pretty fast. 

"fascinating … funny.  The humor is largely based on … an endless stream of … jokes" —AV Club

I prefer the gentle dick diseases.

Yeah, but he's also filming himself filming it.  It's meta. 

"And if you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with"

Or he could pratfall down the stairs and then declare, "One of these days, Tyrion, pow! Right in the kisser!"

be the change you wish to see in the world!

Ooh, that's bad.

y'all gots pimples on yer butts

… we should fuck each others' Glovers?