tanooki soup

… or was it foofaraw? 

what's the matter?  your chicken tastes like pork?

I'm still waiting for the Elijah Wood/North West tumblr.  Come on, internets!

When did people become so boring?  Remember when they used to prance
around all colorful and disco all night long?


I'm more concerned about the lack of civil liberties for Pete Sassafrass.  How long is he going to rot in that dungeon without due process?  It's a candy Gitmo!

You're thinking of Encyclopedia 'Black.'   Encyclopedia 'Brown' is hispanic.

Was it, perhaps, anustart?

"And that hamsters aren't really made of ham."

You'd spend the whole movie thinking that it's the latter, but at the end they reveal that it's the former!  What a twist!

I refuse to pronounce "Ye" as "Yay."

Don't fuck with it.

My wife just said that you were "awesome."  So there's that.

If there aren't at least 3 Wayans in it, it can't be very good.

Hickory Dickery Dock, Blanche DuBois is slowly descending into madness.  Ayy-oh!

Who is this Joe Shomes fellow? 

You, sir, are wanted in connection with several high-profile internet crimes — maybe you shouldn't proclaim yourself so loudly.  Or at the very least, put on a Guy Fawkes mask. 

No touching!

I love you O'Neal!

this is a drinking campaign that has a Kickstarter problem