tanooki soup

Since a line has only one dimension, if you were to look at a line from one of its "ends," you would see nothing.  The "dot" that you'd expect to see would have a diameter of zero.

Yeah, but do you pronounce it "meat-giff," or "meat-jiff" ?

The mere fact that you call it that tells me you're not ready

*sticks fingers in ears*

Everyone's laughing, and riding, and cornholing except Lt.Broccoli

The penis is not for gentlemen, or bureaucratic-academics. What they do is anti-penis.

The penis belongs not to the great but to the brash.

Me, too!  By the laws of internet extrapolation, that must mean that there are millions of us.

Wow, did we really go this far without a Simpsons joke?

Only when he's not planning his base … on the moon!

Chewbacca is a wookie?

It's only natural

Thank you!  Your comment really opened up my eyes. 

@avclub-eef222c790cc35af6406e8f9663e7574:disqus that better be a picture of her wearing cut-off jeans

somehow you perfectly captured the essence of the dialogue on Firefly

but then they'd have to kill him off at the end of each episode

You can talk all ya wanna, but it's different than it was!

Joey Joe Joe, come back!

Was this episode bangin'?

… and if by "killed" you mean "had me laughing harder than I have all season" … then, yes.