
I think that's probably true of most stereotypical accents from regions in the U.S. and Canada - they're greatly exaggerated, and tend to be based on a small sample of the population.

Wait, there's an incorrect way? My way involves a pair of handcuffs, a head of iceberg lettuce and three tablespoons of sea salt. That's totally normal, right?

I think there's plenty of room on the left for someone as obnoxious and unapologetic about their views as Maher is (given how many such people there are on the right). It adds some colour to the landscape of political coverage. But Maher could certainly stand to be less smug and self-important.

She wasn't offered it. She subsequently said she wouldn't have been interested anyways (and maybe Comedy Central had some sense of that), but they never offered it to her.

Not all movie stars would be. Yes, it's increasingly common these days, and yes, calling Renner a "movie star" is a bit generous. But it is still newsworthy if you're an MCU fan.

I was going to say Tudyk is too old, but Rudd is actually two years older (despite his ageless face).

That's the kinda great stuff that you lose when a movie is over-stuffed with plot and characters. I think Winter Soldier was good in part because it had less of that pressure on it, and more room for the characters to breathe. Civil War is even more crowded than the Avengers movies.

In my opinion David Tenant's Kilgrave ranks with the best of the best villains, ever (especially within the MCU - Hiddleston's Loki gives him a run for his money, but he's not as villainous). It'd be a shame to have the one season of Jessica Jones be the end of it for him, although sometimes less is more.

I don't think his series would have a hard time operating alongside the other Netflix original shows, but I expect it would have trouble co-existing with ABC's Marvel's Agents of Shield. Black Widow and Hawkeye really should have a major role on that TV show, were it not for the actors being way too good for it

I think the movie is coming out at a good time, that it will at least have big opening numbers. Then maybe it gets panned by critics, people hate it, and it trails off before banking big worldwide numbers - but I think it still opens to huge numbers, no matter how bad it is. There's been a big marketing blitz, and

As opposed to Macs, which are communal computers. Damn socialists.

Genuine question, if anyone knows, are Indians and Pakistanis as annoyed with getting their accents confused as Australians and New Zealanders are?

On HDTGM he said it was a three episode stint.

Is this a ghost post from your husband?
(you know, because black widow…)

Millions of years of evolutionary conditioning?

The implication isn't very subtle, but it is limited to the people who felt so strongly about it that they couldn't help but make YouTube videos. If that's "everybody", that's not a world in which I want to live.

This is spectacular CG work for someone doing this on a whim, for free. And funny, too. Up until the point that suicide was used as a punch line.

It didn't "state" that. It implied it.

The guys playing the boyfriends stink at acting. Too bad, otherwise this might have actually been funny.

We're cracking jokes about an actress's boobs not being big enough to want to see her act in a movie. If that were absurd, it might be funny. Except that it's an actual thing, and there are people who will genuinely be less interested in the movie if Daisy Ridley gets cast in it. As a man, that embarrasses me. It also