
Straight teeth + good posture = Instant, irrepressible boner

At first I thought you meant Mario Lopez, and I thought, "ugh, fuck, that douchebag. You can't do much worse than that."

No, I am Why the Fuck Not!

Here's a third option: they can't get the CBS execs to approve what it will cost to bring ND across the pond. If you look at her imdb page, she's not overwhelmingly busy. GOT is her main byline, and she barely appears in any scenes. She may be unattainable to us internet folk (she keeps ignoring our date requests),

As I said in my post, if they were her men, what was the point of having Moreland turn himself in to Vikner? She would have already known where Vikner was, and could have just ordered the men to take him out. Exposing Moreland to a risk of collateral damage would achieve nothing.

Vikner had a lot of potential as a villain (I think the actor brought some intrigue to the character), but needed to be much better developed. We weren't shown him doing anything even remotely villainous. We saw him only as a legitimate professor, and as someone who was incredibly polite to Sherlock and promised no

This gives me an idea. You know what would be a really fun spin off? Moriarty, where Moriarty is a consulting detective from prison. In other words, basically just Hannibal, except with Natalie Dormie in the titular role (and without the cannibalism). Or maybe Elementary could just become that show. I wouldn't

Between Vickner's sudden arrival on the scene, Zoya's even more sudden arrival, and that whole convoluted "enemy of my enemy is my friend" sub-plot with Zoya, these last episodes have felt unusually sloppy and rushed. This is a show that routinely lays breadcrumbs for long-term arcs throughout at least half a season,

Hopefully this inspires the writers to be a bit more inventive/aggressive with serialization, along the lines of what we saw in the last season of Fringe, or what we should hopefully see in this last season of Person of Interest (notable because it's a CBS show - a network deeply averse to serialization). If it's just

Ceresei had plenty to do with Oberyn's eye-popping death at the hands of the Mountain (she was the one who selected him for the match - I mean she thought she was hiring him kill Tyrion, but she's not blameless).

This tells you how much superheroes have come to dominate our perception of blockbusters, when we're struggling to imagine how a movie could sustain itself with nothing more than a staggeringly sexy, universally loved, ass-kicking action star … without super powers.

Burt's sarcastic "Gee I wish I'd seen that" response to kids diving into a vat of baked beans was brilliant.

Yeah, my understanding is that it works in reverse of what Summers experienced - rather than schedule an Al Roker / Summers type (i.e. an affable C lister that the host can just shoot the shit with) and then bump them if the show can confirm someone better, I think they will tentatively plan on having the big name

You're not going far enough. More than one person can have the same (which Marty McKee?). My other account is my full name, address, phone number (office and cell) and social insurance number. Ya know, because any less would make me a coward.

You're wearing signed petitions?

I used "Trump Finger" as synonymous with "Little finger", in reference to Trump's little hands. I wasn't referring to a Trump character.

I watched literally every episode of Dexter except the finale (and maybe the episode right before it. I just completely lost the urge. The critical and fan response did nothing to inspire me to go back and watch it.

I don't think we're meant to agree with Thorne's views, but "stupid as hell" is a bit of a stretch. His whole life has been devoted to defending the wall from the wildlings (not the White Walkers) and he hasn't seen the same things that Jon Snow has to propel him to prioritize the White Walkers over the wildlings. He

Wait a minute. I've seen that wrist before. It was the fall 1973 Buolva watch catalog. You're J.P. Prewett!

Do you watch any of Andrew Kramer's videos on VideoCopilot.net? I for one think he's pretty awesome.