
I hear people watch Gotham. Watching and loving are two very different things, though. See e.g.: the box office popularity of BVS.

Podrick having royal blood is also news to me. I thought Gendry was the lone surviving bastard, and he's on the lam. But honestly it's hard to keep track.

I don't want to overstate how well I remember that scene, but I'm pretty sure Ygritte wasn't about to kill him. They were having a moment.

It's not that I think they'll live, it's that I hope their death isn't played off as their comeuppance, because it would be a disservice to the credible motivations that the show has gone out of its way to establish. I think if Jon kills Olly, it should at least be to evidence that death has changed him (he's more

They've really made an effort to develop Thorne and Olly's motives for revolt, and make them somewhat sympathetic. On the one hand, that's just good character development, and should be the norm, but on the other hand, that's atypical for this show. I don't know what exactly the show will do with them, but I hope it's

Seriously?!?! Of all the people to wish revival upon…

I'm still struggling to grasp the reality that this happened in a season of Dexter, a show that at its peak was one of the very best on TV. It's like having someone describe the details of your fever dream back to you. It's surreal.

I call shenanigans. This odds maker lists the fucking "waif" (an unnamed character) at 2:1, and lists Meli McSexyTits who incinerated an adorable girl at 100:1? Neither of those odds make any sense whatsoever, unless you have some inside info that you're holding back. Most suspicious of all is that McSexyTits' odds

I gotta say, those old costumes still look pretty cool to me. The new ones feel anti-septic, and weirdly angry (reminding me of John Teti's comments on the angrification of NFL logos in his Block & Tackle column - apparently that's also a hero costume trend).

The only time I've ever seen that done is in a soap opera I used to watch in the summer as a kid (a little title card came up that just said, "The role of Theresa will now be played by…). And even then, it was weird, and I wasn't really okay with it (original Theresa was hot).

Whiskey or scotch? Scotch is whiskey! ("scotch whiskey").

Melissa Benoist is good enough to carry a decent CW quality show on her own, but losing Cat Grant would be such a huge blow for the show. Not just the actress, but the character, who anchors every element of the non-costumed universe of the show (which is undeniably the better half of the show). It would be like Flash

I'm fully on the same page as you guys, and it's kind of reassuring to me that there's a consensus around Savage and Hawk being the worst part of the show, and Rip's character having serious problems. That gives me hope that they might get fixed.

Killing off Vandal Savage would undoubtedly be addition by subtraction. I could also do without bird lady and Cpt. Pond (but it's very unlikely that he's going anywhere.

This feature disappoints quite regularly. I like the concept - a sort of MST3K for music - but it routinely isn't fun or funny. I assume the idea with comedians is that they'll be funny, but even that doesn't seem to help. The explanation for why they hate the song is almost always "I just do … I mean now that we're

American Idiot is a more polished album, and it feels more heavily produced, but it's no secret that they have a producer. The core of the songs still feels very much of a kind with Green Days other work. The simple power chord progressions, the relatively clever poetry of the lyrics (calm down, I said "relatively" -

Casting British actors to class up sci-fi is pretty much the rule, rather than the exception. You can follow that lineage back at least as far as Alec Guinness.

I admire your willingness to read the scene in a way that makes dramatic sense, but I don't think that's how the scene is written, acted or directed.

"an endearing ball of adolescent energy" reads to me like "a delicious ball of cow shit".