
But you can share subscriptions (with a limited number of people - how many depends on your subscription). As long as you don't mind your parents having access to your viewing history, and influencing your recommendations, you can have Netflix for free. And you can watch Croc Dundee goes to LA to your heart's content!

Kind of ironic then that Fringe (widely perceived as an X-files clone) was completely forgettable with its monster-of-the-week stuff, but developed a really fun and engrossing mythology. You wonder if it be possible to fuse the best of those two shows together. Some kind of… hybrid.

Any broadcast with Siragusa chiming in from the sidelines instantly makes the guys in the booth look 10x smarter and more insightful than they actually are. It's actually kind of brilliant.

I've had Simms muted most of the year (preferring radio feed coverage instead), but wow has he been bad the past couple weeks that I've listened.

Haven't they done enough damage already with the Transformers movies.

College graduates are well versed in guessing the answer to a multiple choice test. "T/F: Judge Judy is a Supreme Court Justice … hmmm, that name sounds vaguely familiar. Judges are on the Supreme Court. Maybe one of them is named Judy? True! (?)

There are many things about that trailer to provide a glimmer of optimism about the movie. Jerod Leto's joker scenes are not among them. I remain as concerned as ever.

There is no Carolyn Keene, by the way. She is the dread pirate Roberts.

Here we go again, twisting around Trump's words. He means the AV Club guys are temporarily assumed to be loozahs, rapists and no good people. Just until he can figure this whole "internet" thing out.

I think what you're really talking about is the dialogue - and I'd agree that was just as bad in season 1. Better acting was one of the things that made season 1 better, but I wouldn't put all the blame on the shoulders of Farrell, McAdams, Kitsch and Vaughn. The characters and their relationships were poorly

Try swinging a dead cat anywhere on the internet.

A "trick"? A TRICK? Surely you mean a "hack". In this modern age of computers, there is no longer such a thing as a tip, or a trick, or a set of instructions for using a device correctly. All things are hacks.

Dozens of people are watching. It'll be a true claim to fame.

Yup, 33.5k tweets is a phenomenon well worth global news coverage.

If you're tabulating your IQ in the movie theater, you're doing it wrong. Not every movie has to be Citizen Kane. If you can't find entertainment value in movies like Bad Boys, The Rock and Armageddon, then I'm sorry for you.

Agreed that Bay's direction of action scenes is incoherent (particularly the CGI-driven stuff) and that his plots (especially for Transformers) tend to be utterly nonsensical and poorly paced. And Shia Lebeuff was, if not a terrible actor, at least a terrible casting choice (Mark Wahlberg was also a poor match for the

As an addendum to these comments, Jonah read some of them, and here is what his reaction was (short version: we're mean, but he's a relatively good sport about it):
http://nerdist.com/nerdist-… (jump ahead to about 20 minutes)

My feeling is also that this movie is destined to fall way short of expectations.

I had a really good 3D experience with the movie, and in the past had found it tiresome. I think sitting closer to the back of the theater was the difference. Or maybe the 3D calibration was just better suited to my eyes. In any event, it was seamless for me, and I thought the movie made excellent use of 3D.

I was about to make the exact same comment, but then it occurred to me, "this is the AV Club, there is no way I'd be the first person to bring this up." And then I'd have also said that "A Christmas Carol" is particularly worth recommending, which someone else has also said already.