
Görlitz is not that big (though very charming)…and only very close to the Polish border.

No love for the Irene Adler cameo? I found it surprisingly cute..

The first one was definitely a mixed bag. I loved having those characters back on my screen, but the show's constant self-consciousness kept me from really enjoying it. The second one is a step up because it's pure fun though verging on being too saccharine for my taste (last 10 minutes especially). Loved the third

Zack, just to clarify: Did you watch series 3 of Sherlock prior to writing? Because I can't decide if you're only trying to keep it spoiler free or if - in your opinion - the new series really deserves the same criticism..

It's been a while since i've seen that episode, but Abraham was exactly the one I was thinking about..

Test of faith in Old Testament style..

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

Loved the little Nietzsche discourse Finch and Arthur had going while waiting for Shaw to rescue them.

I just couldn't contain myself when they mentioned the creature in the woods in some dark cave, who apparently has to be appeased with blood or "it drains the life out of them" and started shouting "VAMPIRES!" at my TV… aaah, the CW just has to keep true to itself and go full bonkers on the supernatural element,

It's also quite telling that Diane is using it because it's traditionally used by corporations and big firms as a kind of euphemism to explain away major lay-offs..