
It's an actual German word - "gesundschrumpfen" - and means downsizing to heal/save something, usually used in an economic context.

"When he freezes up during his last walk, the head guard Becker tells him to be a man."
Pretty sure it's actually Henderson who's doing the yelling..

I confess to having a small "aaaawww"-moment when Robb and Jon appeared on Bran's side (even if only to mock him) … those poor Stark kids - simply not meant to hang out together anymore.

True. Sometimes I wonder why they bother with cover stories at all in this town.

As far as cover stories go, arson doesn't seem to be the smartest choice if you want to avoid follow-up questions…

10. They were compelled by Rebekah not to use vampire speed… i think, she said that after she forced Tyler to turn and right before she left the library.