
Hey, they are all still hints at this point and this is just my interpretation. Nothing's ever for certain on this show, especially when they have the ultimate cop out with Will's hallucinations (I thought that ear was a hallucination until they showed up to arrest him). But if you truly want to remain

Apparently they are moving away from that this season. The first two episodes cover one killer and in an interview with Hugh Dancy, he indicated that in eps 4-7, the crimes are all related to the central plot.

I'm going to miss Franklyn! The fact that Fuller and crew could take that character from such a creeper loser to someone I genuinely liked was proof of genius.

I can't wait to see Michael Pitt dressed in a white fur pimp coat!

Better start prepping your ski mask and bag of throwin' rocks. Fuller get so darned excited about his own show he can't seem to stop himself from dropping some pretty obvious hints. Hell, even the official trailers are filled to the brim with spoilers. I hope Hannibal gives her a suitably lovely plating, oops I mean

I didn't love the show at first either. I was just sticking around for the Will Graham (one of my favorite fictional characters) and the pretty cinematography. But there was some point between eps. 5-7 where a switch flipped and I became obsessed. The back half of the season goes places you'd never imagine for what

This statement made me even more excited to see the Red Dragon season. Bryan sure knows how to froth up the fan base.

Someone needs to get on that Little House idea, stat.

Todd: Who's going to be doing the episode recaps this season?

I always saw that fight as somewhat tongue-in-cheek (as well as being completely awesome). It was in the episode titled "Fromage" after all.

and by "the world", I mean my puritan work ethic.

A.V. Club

Hurray! I've been waiting for you to review this. What took so long?

That and the "mysterious" bondage manga porn Norman discovers were pretty big turn-offs for me. I had no desire to go past episode one.

And the Latin for right-handed is "rectus".

L.A. Confidential is actually the only adaptation where I consider the movie to be faaaaar superior to the original book. That Walt Disney subplot is a hot mess. The movie, on the other hand, is my favorite movie of all time.

If only Rooster!Roger Miller were actually in this! I'd take anthropomorphized animals not wearing any pants over Jack Bauer in a leather skirt any day.

The Coen Brothers' version of The Ladykillers, Hostel 2 and Cannibal Holocaust are the only movies I have found so misanthropically, hatefully bad they drove me into an incoherent rage when i made the mistake of watching them. Make of that what you will.

He played an uptight asshole in Venus In Fur…and watching him get his sexy S&M comeuppance was a pleasure indeed. More of that please!

I read her review. She said everything about Hannibal was high quality—she just didn't like it. She'd rather watch Nashville instead. She also started the review by comparing herself to Tipper Gore. Who let my grandma start reviewing TV for Slate?