
I can only begin to imagine what that gif did to Tumblr. Does it still exist or did the fangirl explosion wipe everybody out?

I think I'm going to give up on worrying about why this show isn't more popular and just appreciate that the question of why certain people do or do not embrace Hannibal is just another one of the many, enjoyable, thoughtful discussions that this show engenders.

What's the point of watching drama that doesn't get a little electric current flowing through those old brain cells? How can you stop thinking about your crappy day if your evening entertainment doesn't give you something new to think about while you're trying to fall asleep?

That's understandable. I guess for me, the presence of Michael J. Anderson and Clancy Brown helped me overlook some of those issues and kept me invested.

Hannibal— it's the social disease that you want to spread around!

I wonder if this is why these shows never caught on with the mainstream. That s**t sucks me in every time, but I can see why its not to everyone's liking.

Interesting observation. Hannibal, Carnivale, Twin Peaks…I imagine there is a lot of fanbase overlap for these shows. Sumptuous visuals, a sense of foreboding, assumption that the viewer has two brain cells to rub together and doesn't need everything spelled out….and unfortunately cancelled after their second

She definitely gives good creep. Any movie that casts her as a soccer mom is definitely getting added to my must-see list (and then later to the list of things that give me nightmares).

Congrats on the convert! Keep up the good work.

Out of curiosity, how many episodes do reviewers normally get pre-season? I think last year it was 5, right? I found the first half of the season to be a slow burn and didn't start obsessing until around ep 7 or so, which reviewers might not have bothered to see.

As of a couple of days ago, the only episodes available on Hulu were 10, 11 and 12. Not very useful for brand new viewers.

Todd: Do you have an opinion about why most of the negative Hannibal critiques seem to come from the older newspaper outlets (e.g., NYTimes, Boston, LATimes, etc) rather than "new media" outlets which are generally (and 100% correctly) a Hannibal lovefest? I find this dichotomy a little odd. Any feeling from the

I can't wait to see the scene with Hannibal standing looking like a BAMF on the other side of the plastic sheeting. Who am I kidding? I can't wait to see every single scene. This trailer is beautifully disgusting.

Your avatar reminds me of junior high. I feel warm and fuzzy yet incredibly awkward at the same time. Thanks?

Jack Ryan and the Holy Grail.
Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti…

Wow I should let my bf know that one of his old Diablo pals is on here. Or is this just a normal part of male puberty that they don't tell us about in junior high school?

What do you mean? He loved it! He gave it an "A". Sorry but i expect my pants blown off by a "A" episode. Talk about grading on a curve….