Obadiah Poundage

Yeah, I was just a little bit confused about how Julius got in so much trouble again so quickly and wht Dan had to chase him down and tackle him. Otherwise, great episode. Whitford brought his A game for this one.

Pretty sure he was talking about Metal Gear on the NES, champ.

I have two pairs of Homer Simpson pajama pants that I still wear regularly.

I'm guessing he meant that Gary Coleman did not possess the traits typically associated with black urban culture in modern America.

Yeah, the Island as a glitchy Ethernet modem that needs rebooting is probably the best analogy I've heard.

It's still better than how the Cleveland ABC affiliate fucked up the Lost finale. The HD broadcast couldn't go ten seconds without the picture freezing and turning to pixelated garbage.

Don't do what Diddy Don't does.

Dr. Katz is better than quite a few things.

Yeah, you could play as Vincent.

Screw Novelization
I want a Lost video game that isn't just a cash in like Via Domus. A sandboxy time-travely game would be the perfect vehicle for a player to explore and find answers to all the easter egg mysteries left out there.

Congratulations on being the first to post.

The swordfight on top of The Cliffs of Insanity amd the showdown between Inigo Montoya and Count Rugen.

Maybe Widmore taught Mikhail everything he knows about not dying ever.

I have a stainless steel camping cup that looks just like the one Jack used.

Maybe Widmore isn't dead!

I loved seeing Alterna Ben getting the hell beat out of him. I hope there's one more beating in store for him on the island as well. If he gets out of this thing alive he'd better have a mangled face.

The Candidates had to be like moths emerging from their cocoons.

I'm pretty sure he's not technically male either.

Hell, PBR is preferable to Bud or Miller.