Obadiah Poundage

Yeah. Delonte was a lot better as the rarely seen anti-Michael who ran the warehouse. Having him take part in office hi jinx seems alienating to me.

The brown sound is supposedly created binaurally by sending different frequencies into each ear.

Cary Elwes did fine. Men in tights did kind of suck though. All of Brooks' jokes were groan-inducing.

I remember watching the entirety of Bloodsport on mute once while making fun of it with a group of people. Drugs were involved.

I figured out Charlie was probably going to die in S3 watching it a season behind everyone else and noticing Dominic had fewer episodes credited to him than anyone else. It was still a punch in the gut though.

I bet Garcia is going to end up in an Apatow movie.

Yeah, Charlie's death got me good.

I think those guns are mostly Korean/early Vietnam era rifles, but yeah, you'd think Widmore would be able to get some armalites or something.

I can't really say I dislike Kate. I just think the stories written for her are boring. And I'm irritated by the love triangle bullshit and how Jack and Sawyer's decisions are influenced by her in stupid ways. So okay, maybe I do dislike Kate. But I'm also irritated by all the "OMG I just want her to get shot in

They should get a bigger CGI budget too.

I was actually kind of pissed when Kate got shot. I immediately knew that a shoulder shot like that on a main character is never fatal in TV Land, and now she's going to get a lot more focus on recovering from it. Also we're going to have to deal with Jack and Sawyers strong feelings of concern over her.

I only caught the first bullet pointed spoiler in the newswire before I started mashing my back button, but I was still pretty pissed about it. I'd have been wrecking shit if I'd have found out who died last night.

It's a good television program.

I'm with HDB on the sound issue. I don't have the greatest sound system in the world, but the difference between 5.1 discrete audio and stereo is plain as day on it. Having said that, I did downgrade my cable plan to the "lifeline" service, which is just the local networks you could get for free over the air, so

I don't blame them, because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me.

Sunny has the convenience of not needing any character development, so it can stay awesome for a long time. I don't think we need to worry about any of those characters getting married or having babies any time soon when they can't even get themselves to the Grand Canyon.

Hey Cool
When I run AV Club through this thing I can actually read all the features that are giving me blank gray screens at work.

I remember my high school had a Surge machine that sold cans for a quarter. There would be fucking line for that shit every day after school.

There's being snarky and there's being an asshole troll. The difference is being snarky is usually funny and being an asshole troll makes people think you're an asshole troll.

I'm in Canton, Ohio. I remember about a year ago Canton was considering setting up public WAPs to cover the entire city, but I think Time Warner Cable was able to block them from being able to do it.