Obadiah Poundage

The magic pendant plot works for me just because I only view this show as being televised RPG tropes, and "prevent the big bad from aquiring all the magical such-and-such" is the grandaddy of all RPG plots.

The magic pendant plot works for me just because I only view this show as being televised RPG tropes, and "prevent the big bad from aquiring all the magical such-and-such" is the grandaddy of all RPG plots.

Shit.  I really thought this could be as good as The Bone Collector.

Shit.  I really thought this could be as good as The Bone Collector.

The best part of The Boondock Saints is the old man from Fraggle Rock plays the bartender with tourettes.

The best part of The Boondock Saints is the old man from Fraggle Rock plays the bartender with tourettes.

Did ANY of the movies in the top 50 have dinosaurs in them?  What a shitty list.

Did ANY of the movies in the top 50 have dinosaurs in them?  What a shitty list.

Wasn't it mentioned in the pilot that The Machine was only able to tap into the surveilance network in NYC?

Wasn't it mentioned in the pilot that The Machine was only able to tap into the surveilance network in NYC?

I liked when he handcuffed the two guys together then shot one of them.

I liked when he handcuffed the two guys together then shot one of them.

I read one about being trapped in a mad scientists laboratory. One of the ways you could die was by being thrown into a room full of feathers and tickled to death.

I don't think they've actually killed a single dinosaur on this show yet. They used tranq darts on the slasher things and just knocked everything else around with those sonic beach ball guns.  This show sucks.

And yet that doesn't create any differences in the ages between people who came over on different pilgrimmages years apart.

Didn't the commander mention something about months going by in dino land during what was only a couple minutes on the other side of the portal when he initially went through it?  Of course this phenomenon doesn't seem to apply to anything else.

Wasn't there a reoccuring hidden camera show parody where a monster would just jump out and eat an unsuspecting stranger while everybody laughed?

He might also have had the inconvenience of his bandmates, friends, and family being assholes and not helping him score drugs anymore because they think he has a "problem." He showed them.

Speaking of Aqua Teen, did the Bender graffiti remind anyone else of the lite brite looking things of the Mooninites those two weirdos put all over Boston a few years ago?

Dying is for idiots.