
I really like this album, but I was just thinking this morning that I wonder what a tour for it would be like. The songs are so personal and not really the sort of music I could see a stadium full of people chanting along to…

This is old news. This episode has been in rotation for at least a year. And if this freaks you out, check out the Sons of Anarchy (Sons of Poetry) and House of Cards (House of Bricks) parodies.

At this point why would ANYONE want to join Gotham PD??!??!!?! That graduating class was huge. I get it that real cops have a tough job but basically on this show you're just "nameless cop"being killed constantly in horrible ways by serial killers every other day.

I respect the hell out of Mindy, but this show jumped the shark when she had Leo. Yeah, I get that MEN on other shows have kids and then sort of ignore them, but it's so painfully obvious that it was a plot point misstep and I expect more from Mindy anyway. What should have been a character evolution (at least a

I'm not sure i liked the Charlie turning on the Waitress bit. It was interesting, but part of the "charm" of Charlie is that he's sort of the "nice" one of the gang. He's also so childlike that it's hard to imagine him acting all "typical jerk guy" post-sex. It could go in interesting directions, I am just not sure

We all have our weaknesses, but I am pretty much ready to give up on this show. It jumped the shark when Mindy had the baby and since then, they haven't been quite able to go back to what I loved but haven't been able to make Leo work. As a mom, this whole "groundhog day" thing would have KILLED ME. You don't see

YES. What do you do with them exactly? Wake up and shove one in? That's not how I roll.


Those are the times, a true sports fan can only fall back on watching the Yankees baseball, 'bama football, or Kentucky b-ball.

Must be soooo hard seeing another team have a quarterback almost as good as Brady! Screw you Manning!

Yeah, Pats fans have had to watch the game as "haters" too so don't worry they understand! Teti says so! It happened to him ONE TIME! #thestruggleisreal

Have you read this before?

Real Americans drink IPAs, so we can get drunk as f*()ck in fewer beers. EFFICIENT.

Those Carnival scenes were some dark stuff. Also, Ed's ridiculously deep "I'm so evil voice" was questionable.

People marched for LGBTQ rights, for women's rights, for the rights of immigrants, etc. etc. etc. And I understand that part of it was everyone saying "hey buddy, we're here and we don't like stuff you're saying, and there are a LOT of us" but I think saying that this was just a march against Trump sort of

3 Million People protested him? That seems to be ridiculously simplifying the many reasons people marched.

Are we setting up for Barbra to become Harley?

I am honestly always surprise that there are villains on this show at all. I think it has to be mostly editing. Chefs are in general can be touchy or blunt, but the culinary world is actually fairly small so it doesn't pay to piss off a ton of people. My guess is that a lot of this stuff is sort of "half serious"

Yes, this. I remember being horrified when this happened. It was straight-up bullying. I think I always had a soft spot for Marcel because he seemed annoying, but like annoying in this way that he had no self-confidence and was totally overdoing it to "show off." The other chefs shaving his head reminded me of

I love SATC, probably because I was in college in THE CITY when it came out and I forgive it a lot due to pure nostalgia. BUT, it is always funny to me that people ignore the fact that Entourage is essentially the exact same formula, 4 dudes, all different archetypes, in love with shoes/kicks, banging unrealistically