Showroom Dummy

Because teaching kids about safe sex only encourages them to go out and have sex. This is also why I oppose teaching kids fire safety, because all that does is produce arsonists and pyromaniacs.

"My friends, will you be ready when He comes?"

That may actually be right: college hockey is huge in Minnesota, and I can totally imagine that in a nasal Minnesota whine. For whatever reason, whenever I've seen it, I've connected it to the New England hockey scene but couldn't make it work in a New England accent.

Here's something I've always wondered: what the hell accent is #cawlidgehawkey supposed to represent? When I say it out loud, it comes out as a Noo Yawk accent, which makes no sense to me as NYC isn't a hockey hotbed.

I only remember to watch Jeopardy! about a third of the time, so take this with a grain of salt, but every time in the past year or so that I've seen a show where it's a runaway, Alex has mentioned it.

Now I'm sad that we'll never get a Savage Love/Car Talk crossover.

Hey, if you've barely eaten all day, you'd find that question profound, too.

Oh. Another joke sails over my head.

Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce look like brothers, which helps. Former Formula One driver Rubens Barrichello resembles them too; I've seen celebrity lookalike posts that have compared him to each one.

They could pass as siblings, but they instead played mother & daughter.

I confess, I was kind of morbidly curious to see if Savage Love would go along with Siblings Week. Part of me is relieved, part of me is disappointed that it didn't.

"What was the worst job you ever had?" Being the lead singer in Simon & Garfunkel. "If you were a supervillain, what would your master plan be?" Kill Paul Simon.

As far as I was concerned, it was the 50th anniversary of the death of Aldous Huxley.

"I don't generally watch modern day Simpsons episodes."

I think so? Kim's honestly the only one I'm positive I could identify in a lineup.

I'm 28 (which I would say is around 30), so I turned 8 in the middle of the trial. I wouldn't get a Marcia Clark reference. Hell, I had no idea that Daddy Kardashian was on OJ's defense team until a friend mentioned the rumors that OJ is the real father of one of Kim's sisters.

All of the re-release album covers for Kraftwerk's albums are, IMO, inferior to the originals. If I participated in AVQ&A, that would've been my answer for last week's.

*stares blankly*

I know others have said it, but seriously, how do you write for a pop culture website and not know that Andy Gibb's been dead for close to 30 years?

I'm guessing something came up that night.