el zorro flatulento

Is this a Happy Fun Night tie in?!?

To be fair only big girls wear spanx.

Save it until you're married.


Usually the restrictions are on the faculty and it's something like you can't screw students in your major or if you teach required classes they haven't taken yet.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's not only on a stage, it's all the same shot. The only thing that changes is the mileage on the signpost.

Did anybody notice that the t-shirt he gave Will Smith was missing one of his kids?!?

Spike Jonze tweets Morey Amsterdam's address.

You truly are the king of kings.

It won't even be ironically funny by the time it arrives.

How did they come up with 2 extra roots all of a sudden?!?

I think Fred Durst just found the business model that will make him rich again.

Ditto for Prince Alberts and sounding rods.

The travelling montage is one of my favorite scenes ever.

Personally I prefer Kazakhstani new wave films myself.

Your mom's a smart lady!

Usually only if there's some connection withing the institution. If you fuck someone who hasn't been or will never be one of your instructors, councilors, etc. there's usually not a problem. Old dudes need young poon too!

Fat girl needs to fall down, go boom! more.

I'll still call you a fat shaming misogynist.