el zorro flatulento

Is he the pumpkins guy or the gay panic one?!?

I'm glad the A.V. Club hasn't spoiled their track record of mentioning that he was in a band every time they've got a half assed excuse.

Harry smokes pole?!?

I don't need to hear about Juan Pablo's cock ring!

R.I.P. Ass Dan.

Sorry, I'll try to dumb it down a little.

Hasn't she ever heard of toilet seats?!?

You get that from listening to too many assholes.

Speak for yourself!

Be sure to say Hi to Jason.

Because it's based on a skull nobody ever had.

How did she ever make room for this in her schedule?!?

I think you just got hired!

The best way would be to make some kind of a lembic. If you use real candy the sugar is just going to ferment leaving the artificial flavoring.

That's why you always book Van Halen and Ozzy at the same time. Ozzy eats the brown M&Ms that Van Halen won't.

You've got plenty of time to decide. None of those guys is going to be taking your order any time soon.

I made a dinosaur out of my poop!

How many people really look forward to Record Store Day two months in advance?!?

That's just Manhattan style semen.

Ditto: beards.