el zorro flatulento


All in all pretty normal week with disappointingly normal people. Fairly decent advice as well.

Alright, show of hands: "WHO FARTED?!?"

Hollywood's been doing the 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb sack thing for quite a while now.

Too soon!

Can't you find your own noogie porn?!?

And I refer to my semen as 'nardspray'.

So they've TAKEN over the entire theater for this event?!?

If he had quit right there we'd all be better off.

Which one stuck their dick in the mashed potatoes?!?

Has anyone checked on Arnold Ziffel lately?!?

Actually it seems kind of the opposite, implying that women need their own awards since they can't compete for existing ones.

Did they cancel the Monopoly movie?!?

This is one of the more challenging rounds of Who's Got the Butt Plug In?!?

Beards?!? Check! Overshirts?!? Check! Hands in pockets?!? Check!

They're not dead, that's the audience sleeping through the movie.

You may as well use these for tobacco since they're terrible for smoking weed.

This only goes to show that people are idiots.

It it's hot enough.

*fap fap fap fap fap*