el zorro flatulento

At least I've heard Greg Ginn shut his mouth.

Also one of the most annoying human beings ever to inhabit the face of this earth.

No, that was Dr. Drew.

How's Jello going to kill anyone? Whine them to death?!?

I'm fine with his politics. His voice, not so much.

Say it ain't so, Kieth!

It's unlikely they were full time employees anyway. And programmers rarely, if ever, mate.

As I often do!

Is your mom giving up her trademark?!?

This would have been the best scene in a comedy movie 30 years ago.

Meh…I'd prefer actual desert noises from Utah.

I don't think they're above doing it but I doubt they're ambitious enough to bother.

The creative team is all that really matters. The rest of a 'studio' are just code monkeys, most of which are only hired to work on projects as needed. I'm guessing he threatened to leave TTWO and this is a way to keep him and compensate him for his value.

Except you can't ever define both the location and the momentum of any electron.

No, we're just biological speculation.

big wheeled old time…

This is most likely the amount of the bench warrant issued by the courts. At this point the crime is probably letting the first warrant expire in addition to the original charges.

You loser. I smacked the fucker right back. Don't let anyone make you his bitch!

Classic Poe!

No, because it's mediocre. If it was because she's a woman it would have been *fap fap fap fap fap*.