el zorro flatulento

Two pieces of railroad track and a rubber band makes an awesome rail gun. Pin the rubber band between two blocks near one end. Leave two spaces between the tracks, put a 2 x 4 block upside down on the tracks, pull back on the rubber band, and let it fly. It will knock down walls and/or break blocks from across the


First Kid makes House Party look like House Party II!

Mentioning downvoting?!? That's a downvotin'!

Everyone else = pole

In other news Cyrus, from The Warriors, is still dead.

I exercise to Red Solo Cup.

Jugglers' despair?!?

I only buy duck stamps.

Maybe nerd hot.

Andy Warhol did it!

Liebe meine abschminke!

This is the future. Get used to it!

Although in this case a much smaller corporate tool.

Strap on pencils?!?

This is a blatant rip off of Hooray for Everything!!!


Let the record show that @avclub-68b739692fa849e6572ee31610a75750:disqus made the 'jerky-jerky' motion.

Oh, Streetcar! or GTFO!

So does your mom.