el zorro flatulento

It still ok that I took a dump in the gutter, isn't it?!?

I can't lie, I never loved the A.V. Club.

Push in your own stool, buddy!


Flipper texts Pitbull's home address.

Let's leave your mom out of this.

Tonight on It's the Mind

Ever listen to The Thrusting Squirters?!?

300# ≠ Smoking Hot

Let's leave your mom out of this!

This is weak sauce indeed!


So he got wood from Clooney?!?

The A.V.Club.

Not to be 'that guy' but this is hardly proof of anything except trends in Rotten Tomatoes ratings.

Is full of WHAT?!?


At least loosen up the cock ring!

I'm still trying to figure out where Inherent is. Is that anywhere near Miami?!?

What he's not telling you is that he drowns those puppies in the ocean during his walks.