
what?! he was in a Tarantino movie for gosh's sake!!!!

what if told you the Revenant wasn't really a very good movie? and that Leo didn't act in it so much as wince…

I'm a big Refn fan, but even that did not prepare for how "icky" this was, and not just the violence, but…well, "spiritual corruption" covers it better than anything I could come up with. I wonder if the establishment critics who hated it also hated Refn's earlier work. I mean the themes are the same and there's the

so, Star Wars fans agree: Lucas should have nothing more to do with the series. I bet he grumbles about us "ungrateful kids" under his breath just like any grandfather would.

what about the dude with the little water bottle? why aren't we talking about him?? i found him very compelling…

i'm only half way through, but so far Strang is one of the people in this doc I actually like. He's seems like a really decent fellow who cares about his clients and is upset by the corruption that surrounds him.

Yeah, it's a noticeable decline in quality, IMO. there's still some good criticism on here, though. I still enjoy a lot of the writing about TV. I've been reading the sight for maybe seven years and the old combo of snark and fairly rigorous intellectual tackling of media just isn't the same.

damn lucky I chose to read LOTR when I was 15…

great teeth, eh?

from what I have read (and I'm no economist) it was Greenspan's reliance on Keynesian models of constant growth that fucked things up. Rand was actually a fan of the classical liberal school of thought, who didn't believe in artificial lowering of interest rates and such.

John Galt is the director of the movie. Er, the director is John Galt…

I'm actually reading the book; not a big fan so far, though the Dagny character is interesting. What I wonder about, however, is Ayn Rand's ability (from well beyond the grave) to send so many people (especially modern liberals) into paroxysms. this is kind of a long review of what sounds like a crappy movie, based on

oh, deer, indeed. i almost does-ed off during that scene.

not cool, Mickey Dees, not cool.

oh yeah, that show! still haven't checked it out…

very interesting points.

this episode fucked me up. there's something about BoJack's amazing empathy that can actually land him in the worst situations. like he's being awesome and everyone's having a good time, and then…the shit hits the fan. BoJack reaches too far or for something he shouldn't be reaching for (he never should have taken the

do they ever put the 'D' back in Hollywoo…? I need this spoiled for me cuz I don't have time to binge watch it today.

that's no longer a dead horse, it's a small crater.

to play devil's advocate for a moment: isn't this movie basically Sex in the City for men? it's a fantasy world built for some guys, right? though i haven't even seen it, so, I'll just go away now…