
yeah, the better question would be: why do the show's creators feel the need to add rapes that don't happen in the books? Martin has created some wonderful female, mutli-dimensional characters in the books…it is known.

hmmm, I was just thinking that Willie Nelson's 'E.' would totally be his sister, Bobbie.

may favorite line: "Maybe we could get Apple to invest in my new app for helping you find the best tequila and sneakers to go with your baked clams, or whatever the fuck it is I do again."

may favorite line: "Maybe we could get Apple to invest in my new app for helping you find the best tequila and sneakers to go with your baked clams, or whatever the fuck it is I do again."

so, should I see it??!!

especially now that he's dead…

hm, interesting theory. I'll have to watch it again.

hm, interesting theory. I'll have to watch it again.

"A restaurant within a restaurant"? what does that even mean?? I can't believe I was in high school when this came out. the world has changed…

You gave the season finale less than an 'A'? beware TWD fanatics!

Hm, what business would the Frey's be in?? I can only assume the Boltons would be straight-up gangsters.

take that, ya Paki Fahk!

I always saw the final showdown being between Raylan and Boyd, and I always wondered how that would go. now that may not happen. But, I agree, what choice did Ava have? Good on you, girl!

where was this bubbling rage you spoke of?? I thought it was cute and funny and i'll watch the show.

my bad.

Jury? we taking about Sheriff Jarry? it's weird how people keep getting that name wrong; she's got a big ole name tag she wears - probably because no one can remember her weird-ass name.

and this is why I never want to have the first comment on an AV Club page.

yeah, it's scary how disassociated Carrie is at this point. I feel like the show is trying to do something interesting by contrasting her with the seemingly well-adjusted young Pakistani guy. we'll see. more importantly, what is Aayan carrying? Are those vials of something?