Lady GaGas War on Pants

I'm sorry, but calling the counterpart to Hyrule "Lorule" cancels out anything and everything positive about that game.

It really intrigues me how broad the spectrum is - for every person who thinks it's crazy to wear a "comically wasteful" $100 t shirt there's a person who thinks it's crazy to wear a "comically cheap" $10 t shirt.
(The ratio probably isn't 1:1 I guess, but the people in the $100.00 shirts have more money and nicer

It really intrigues me how broad the spectrum is - for every person who thinks it's crazy to wear a "comically wasteful" $100 t shirt there's a person who thinks it's crazy to wear a "comically cheap" $10 t shirt.
(The ratio probably isn't 1:1 I guess, but the people in the $100.00 shirts have more money and nicer

To be fair, there's a lot of overlap between "people who would spend $90 on a t shirt" and "girls who weigh less than 110lbs".

To be fair, there's a lot of overlap between "people who would spend $90 on a t shirt" and "girls who weigh less than 110lbs".

Oh good. They're back to universally flattering yellow.

Oh good. They're back to universally flattering yellow.

Car army? You're thinking of Marc Megatron.

That headline should probably read "Watch the A.V. Club's new video series, until we decide to stop making it without any explanation in 3-4 months."

Just to clarify the facts: Nicki speaks as various characters on her songs. Roman and his (British) mother are two of her most common characters - this is why the song is called Roman Holiday and about his exorcism. You can continue hating all the layers if you like, I'm just pointing out that they're there.
PS Roman

She's very technically adept at being a fun rapper. She isn't rapping about a lot of particularly meaningful Serious Issues, but she (and/or her writers, whoever) write clever ways to be slutty on a dancefloor. I realize I'm fighting a losing battle in an AV Club crowd, but that isn't inherently invalid.

I'm sorry, James Adomian isn't gay? Despite having done interviews with multiple gay themed/targeted media outlets about being gay and gay issues?
I mean, it's not totally impossible, but I don't actually believe that whatsoever.

Nooooo! So many unlistenable albums are going to come out of this. Please let TPS stay preserved in my happy memories.
I mean, anything Ben touches is depressing, but Codes and Keys made me want to kill myself in the wrong way.

Chris Hardwick's show already got renewed?

I tend to forget that the Onion even has a print edition.
Unrelated: If you'd only done this 3 months earlier, your Canadian Embassy could have steered you clear of Pizza Pizza. It's like Canada's Drop Bear.

Definitely had been claiming these guys as Canadian. Whoops.

It's funny that just yesterday I was wondering "what would Firework sound like if it were recorded by someone other than Katy Perry?"

(irony not intended)

Bender has always worried me, as he is so obviously the fan-service character that will be overused to death whenever the series starts to slide past its best-before date. I applaud them for giving him a bit of a rest after making him the center of about 75% of the movie content.

Dear Todd
I only recently started reading AV Club episode recaps (by way of reading the ANTM recaps, and well, we know how that ended), so I have no particular basis for comparison.