This is perfect for me
I always found The Bachelorette a little too hard to follow.
I really expected Mathlete to pull out a solid 2nd place.
Thought: every redesign makes the page even more severely rectilinear, and thus the AVClub logo circle less visually rational.
Well, I didn't.
I thought the "peeing in the corner" ending, with no real explanation of what the hell was going on, was absolutely terrifying (and I don't find most horror movies truly frightening).
You have ridiculously sensitive eyes, or you're dating someone infected with the Rage virus.
A second typo
I think it should be noted that the spelling (according to the Stag Shop cape) is actually "Smize."
More drugs for some, miniature American flags for all.
Brett reads this blog, but he was too shy to respond.
He totally digs your bowtie.
I don't understand…
…Why this website, of all websites, seems to be so staunchly Pro-Oreo.
We really are running out of good band names, aren't we?
Did anyone else think they were staring up at some dude's penis?
I find the idea of a world where death simply means having your head transfered to a jar (or a robot or both) quite comforting. Futurama is an atheists paradise, I suppose.
So wait… this ISN'T a channel101 reference??
of ephemeral pop culture quotes, I think I'll get a lot of use out of "and since none of us had to be on the View in the morning…"
Wouldn't it have been easy for the big AVC boss folk, like the parents of the 7 year old who just trampled her hamster to death, to get a new Asian with hair like the old one, name it Chang, and let our excitement blind us to any evidence of the switcheroo?
PS: Aminat said "I'm always the runner up, I never win."
I'm going to (get a big head and) pronounce Aminat the winner. I honestly think she's been getting the winner edit, as she's the go-to girl to comment on anything that happens, and the judges clearly want her to stick around and finally strike down Tyra's ultimate nemesis Naomi Campbell, highlander style.